The law on the organization of the World Cup – Jurisdiction

The World Cup Organizing Measures Law for the tournament, which is considered the most important and popular in the world, and I begin my speech with what His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani mentioned: May God protect him and his care. – when he said that we will not stop anyone from coming to our country and enjoying football and that we expect everyone to respect our culture – this was the cornerstone of the legislation or measures taken by the Status regarding the tournament. The State of Qatar will not prevent anyone from entering the country and everyone must respect our culture. We hope that the tournament version will be an unprecedented version in history. Because it is the first time that the biggest tournament in the world will take place on Arab soil

1- What is the purpose of promulgating a special law to implement the World Cup period that will take place in the country?

The World Cup is the most important tournament in the world and is considered an exceptional and challenging event for the host country. She therefore needs a privileged and secure environment for the entire duration of her outfit. This comes from many unusual or usual aspects, whether related to the manner of entry into the country or to traffic control and traffic procedures during the tournament, as well as procedures to maintain security and safety of all tournament participants. Everyone knows that the tournament is organized every four years and that 32 countries from all over the world and different cultures participate. More than one and a half million fans are expected at the matches, and this large number of fans will certainly impose great consequences and responsibilities on the security authorities during the duration of the World Cup events, which is unusual in terms of security . under normal circumstances.

This means that it is not possible to rely on the normal procedures, laws and legislation applied in the country, and the reality itself is unique to the need to adopt exceptional new legislation on which we can count on to organize the tournament and manage it. optimally. The law applies to the period that begins 10 days before the opening match of the tournament and ends 5 days after the date of the last match of the tournament.

2- What about the most important procedures, guarantees and rights contained in the Reception Measures Act?

The law defines the guarantees and rights granted by the State to the International Football Federation (FIFA), including the procedures for entering and leaving the State, so that the competent authorities are required to establish a rapid and simplified mechanism for issuing entry visas to the country. country. country. the State, as specified in Article 4 of the law, which stipulates that the granting of entry visas to the State must be reserved for foreign nationals and that it is permissible to refuse or cancel a visa entry into the country for security or health reasons, or to maintain public status. order or security of the tournament… The Security Commission will notify the Supreme Committee of the reasons for refusal or cancellation, and the Supreme Commission will inform FIFA of these reasons. Either the Superior Committee, at the end of the tournament period, and may, if necessary, request an extension for another period.

Article 6 of the law also confirmed that foreign nationals are not required to submit a copy of the work permit during the period of application of this law, and this provision applies to employees of FIFA and its affiliated organizations, their subcontractors, suppliers of goods, works contractors, service providers, FIFA commercial partners and other parties. Broadcast of events, continental federations, national football federations and host federation. Article 9 states that FIFA and its affiliated organizations are exempt from fees and taxes. This is done in coordination with the relevant authorities to ensure that all this provides a safe environment during the period of preparation for the tournament and the duration of its holding.

Article 11 of the same law stipulates that the Security Committee takes the necessary measures to ensure cybersecurity. All relevant government medical authorities in the country are required to prepare their facilities to provide medical assistance to tournament participants and activities.

The law also provides for FIFA’s rights relating to its intellectual property rights such as the name and logo, the manner in which these rights are used, the prohibition of acts of unfair competition, the terms of issue, sale and distribution of match tickets, broadcast of advertisements and regulating the performance of the work of suppliers of goods, contractors and service providers. Broadcast and publicity of events, places and methods of publicity, promotion and transfer during the duration of the championship in order to avoid chaos in the country.

3- What is the extent of the championship’s insurance and protection as well as the legal provisions regarding health care and foreign exchange?

The promoter of the law on reception measures is the protection of the health of supporters. Article 12 thereof states that all relevant government medical authorities in the country are required to prepare their facilities to provide medical assistance to participants in the tournament and activities. Additionally, all governmental and non-governmental medical authorities are required to respond to emergencies and provide medical assistance to participants and participating individuals. In activities and the public, during the duration of the tournament, according to the terms determined by the Ministry of Public Health, and without prejudice to FIFA requirements.
The law also regulated the manner of disposing of money and foreign exchange. In order to facilitate banking and foreign exchange operations, the law requires that no restrictions be imposed on the purchase and sale of domestic currency and foreign currencies, on the entry and exit of foreign currencies and the prohibition of restrict the exchange and conversion of foreign currencies. . in US dollars, euros or Swiss francs. And the commitment of the country’s banking authorities to organize banking operations in a simple and smooth manner, without prejudice to incoming controls and instructions from the Central Bank of Qatar regarding combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

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